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What Is AI Automation?
Benefits, Examples, and More

Maxime Vermeir

September 24, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation aren’t newcomers to the tech scene, but they’ve certainly become exponentially more popular lately with the rise of commercial tools like ChatGPT. AI and automation are technologies in their own right, although the two terms are often used interchangeably. But, when they’re combined, AI automation is invaluable for turbocharging business efficiency.




In this article, we’ll explain what artificial intelligence (AI) automation is, how it can benefit your business, no matter your industry, and what the future of AI automation looks like.


Jump to:

What is AI automation?
Benefits of AI automation for businesses
AI automation challenges
Examples of AI automation across industries
AI automation tools
What does the future of AI automation in the workplace look like
Getting started with AI automation


What is AI automation?

Intelligent process automation, particularly AI automation, combines AI technologies and algorithms to automate processes. AI is integrated into various business systems and applications to analyze data, learn from it, and make decisions. Leveraging techniques such as machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision, AI automation helps to drive efficiencies, streamline operations, and foster innovation across industries.




What is the difference between automation and artificial intelligence?

Traditional automation focuses on performing repetitive tasks consistently and reliably. A user will take a predefined process and define how the relevant computer systems should behave to carry it out. Automation is rule-based and requires the automation engineer to describe each action. It’s not suited to processes requiring a system to autonomously make decisions. For instance, forms processing, data entry, and order management are prime candidates for automation.

On the other hand, AI can be considered an advanced form of automation. It uses complex algorithms and computational theories like natural language processing to execute tasks that require cognitive capabilities. With its advanced technology, AI can handle tasks it wasn't explicitly programmed for and make decisions that mimic human judgment, such as recognizing speech, interpreting complex data, and predicting trends.

AI automation enhances traditional automation by enabling systems to learn and adapt autonomously. Instead of following predefined instructions, these tools learn from data and develop their own methods to accomplish tasks. This flexibility allows AI to adapt to different environments without human input, making it more powerful than human-designed automation.


AI automation tools

A combination of methodologies and technologies work together to make artificial intelligence automation possible. These components enable systems to learn, adjust, and carry out tasks independently. The five key AI automation tools are as follows.


Machine learning (ML)

ML is at the core of AI automation. ML algorithms analyze historical data to recognize patterns, enabling autonomous decision-making with minimal human involvement. These algorithms also use the data they’ve analyzed for predictive modeling within systems, such as maintenance forecasting and production optimization.


Optical character recognition (OCR)

OCR technology is used to digitize printed, typed, or handwritten text, allowing automated document processing and data entry. OCR boosts productivity by rapidly transforming physical documents into editable and searchable digital files. By digitizing historical records, it also speeds up archiving tasks, making digital archives easily accessible and searchable. Even if you have documents that are already digital, like PDFs or JPEGs, OCR will help you make them searchable and structured.


Natural language processing (NLP)

With NLP, machines are able to understand and decode human language. This feature allows businesses to automate services involving human-computer interaction, such as customer service chatbots or virtual assistants.



When integrated with AI, physical robots can perform complex adaptable tasks. This is particularly prevalent in manufacturing assembly lines, as well as healthcare, where utilizing robotics can enhance precision, reduce the risk of errors, and improve efficiency.


Computer vision

Computer vision enables machines to interpret, understand, and make decisions based on visual information. Using this technology, AI systems can detect defects quickly and accurately. Computer vision is most commonly used in automated quality control, autonomous vehicles, and surveillance systems. But OCR and intelligent document processing (IDP) are also very common technologies used in the computer vision branch of AI.


Benefits of AI automation for businesses



Incorporating AI automation is an invaluable way to reduce and streamline business tasks. Here are some of the key benefits of AI automation.


Boosts productivity

Relying on manual processes to run a business is time-consuming and expensive. AI automation tools can handle repetitive tasks, allowing workers to focus on more impactful work. And, with the ability to process data quickly, systems can make decisions much faster than manual or rules-based automation methods, leading to improved productivity.


Improves decision making

Relying on manual processes to run a business is time-consuming and expensive. AI automation tools can handle repetitive tasks, allowing workers to focus on more impactful work. And, with the ability to process data quickly, systems can make decisions much faster than manual or rules-based automation methods, leading to improved productivity.


Enhances customer service

In our competitive business landscape, providing quality customer service is a secret weapon for consistent success. Leveraging AI automation, businesses can analyze customer data to create personalized offers and interactions. AI-powered chatbots can also offer on-demand support for queries, ensuring customers are supported throughout their purchase journey.


Reduces costs

AI automation saves businesses money in several different ways. First, by automating the repetitive, redundant tasks within your business, it reduces your reliance on manual input and eliminates bottlenecks that delay critical processes. Secondly, staff often need to be retrained when processes change – AI doesn’t. With technologies like machine learning, AI can mostly maintain itself by adapting to new scenarios.


Promotes meaningful work

Employees want more than a paycheck; they want their work to have a purpose. When automation handles all the routine tasks, employees are liberated to focus on activities that require creativity and critical thinking. This shift boosts morale and job satisfaction while allowing businesses to get more value out of their human resources, who are now freed to focus on higher value tasks.


Decreases downtime

AI automation isn’t just beneficial for customer-first initiatives. It can also help to minimize internal process downtime by analyzing equipment and alerting you when it might require maintenance or fail. Having this data will enable you to schedule repairs during quiet production hours, reducing the disruption and costs associated with unexpectedly halted operations.


Minimizes maintenance work

As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest benefits of AI automation is it can work independently most of the time. AI-powered solutions are easy to maintain or change, reducing your business maintenance needs and costs. It also frees up time for implementation teams to focus on other tasks.


AI automation challenges

Despite the overall benefits of AI automation for a business, organizations may encounter challenges in its implementation. Here are the key challenges to consider:

Data privacy. Third-party AI systems typically need access to sensitive business and customer information, which, if mishandled, can expose businesses to reputational, legal, and compliance risks. It’s important to ensure appropriate security measures are in place to prevent data privacy violations or cyber threats.

Potential job displacement. One of AI automation’s biggest benefits is taking over routine tasks, which can displace those manual jobs within a workforce and create uncertainty amongst staff. To navigate this challenge, companies need to invest in upskilling and training staff. Redirecting employees to work on higher-value tasks that AI cannot handle will also help to maintain workplace morale while encouraging adaptability and growth.

System integration. Some AI tools have limited compatibility, meaning they may not integrate with your current infrastructure. Seamless integration and compatibility between old and new systems may require planning, modifications, or upgrades, all of which are time consuming. Choosing a no-code automation tool that easily integrates with other applications is crucial to avoid disrupting operational workflows.


Examples of AI automation across industries

The primary benefit of AI automation is its universal applicability across industries. Here are examples of its benefits across different sectors:


AI automation in manufacturing

The manufacturing sector has seen substantial gains from traditional automation over the past few decades, with AI automation poised to fuel further industry innovation. One area where it’s particularly beneficial is predictive maintenance. AI technology can track the equipment your business uses to assess its performance. It will alert users about optimal times for part replacement and detect operational inefficiencies, helping to reduce downtime or unexpected breakdowns.


AI automation in healthcare

AI automation can provide a number of service and diagnosis benefits in the healthcare industry. It supports disease diagnosis by precisely analyzing medical images. It helps to identify areas for process improvements and accelerate the flow of information to improve patient care. AI automation also includes using robotic tools in surgical procedures to support surgeons in performing precise actions, minimizing the potential for errors. Furthermore, it supports patient experience, facilitating the processing of patient paperwork, from intake to billing.


AI automation in finance

In a document-intensive industry like finance, AI automation goes a long way in automating processes to reduce manual labor. But beyond cutting down document processing, AI automation can also help finance organizations to assess risks. AI can prevent fraud by analyzing customer’s financial transactions to identify behavior that signals fraudulent activity. Businesses can set up alerts to be notified of this activity, helping to reduce the risk of financial crime.


AI automation in insurance

By leveraging AI automation technology, insurance companies can significantly simplify paperwork processing, which will speed up their processes and improve their customer service. Intelligent AI automation also makes it easier for insurance companies to comply with regulations by allowing businesses to set strict system requirements and ensuring they’re met. The systems will be able to autonomously calculate the insurance risk of potential clients or entities, and determine their insurance rate accurately.


AI automation in marketing

Developing tailored advertisements and campaigns to meet your audience's needs is vital for optimizing marketing return on investment (ROI). AI tools can help marketers analyze customer data and create personalized marketing offers. These tools also learn from the data they analyze, making it progressively easier to craft unique marketing content as customer preferences change.


AI automation in retail

AI automation is increasingly used by retail companies to enhance customer support and operational efficiency. Retail stores can employ AI to analyze and forecast their sales within any given period, which will ensure they can meet demand, order the right amount of inventory, and avoid unused stock. Similar to marketing organizations, retailers can use AI automation to assess customer purchase habits and provide personalized promotions or offers.


AI automation in HR

HR departments can use AI automation to streamline a number of their processes, from recruitment to payroll processing. AI algorithms streamline recruitment by scanning resumes, matching candidates to job descriptions, and conducting initial interviews through chatbots. This reduces bias and expedites the hiring process. AI automation can also relieve HR employees of administrative burdens, including payroll and benefits processing, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.


What does the future of AI automation in the workplace look like

AI automation is poised to dramatically improve the workforce through its ability to drive business efficiencies.

We expect the primary changes to center around job transformation. Despite fears that AI will eradicate jobs entirely, in many cases, jobs will transform with the help of new technologies, rather than disappear altogether. Analysis conducted by McKinsey found that roughly 30 percent of tasks across 60 percent of professions could be automated. In other words, most roles could be partially automated. In the future, the majority of workers across industries will work alongside AI automation technologies to increase their productivity and relieve them of mundane tasks.

Beyond labor market changes, AI automation has the potential to drive significant economic growth. Increased accessibility to AI will enable small businesses and entrepreneurs to do more with limited resources compared to larger corporations. In some ways, AI automation can be viewed as an equalizer. It will give businesses across sectors instant access to advanced deep learning techniques that they can use in any process. From identifying anomalies in production to spotting fraudulent account activity, AI automation’s ability to learn from and adapt to data makes it a valuable long-term investment to support exponential business growth.


Getting started with AI automation

About 90 percent of processes contain documents. Automating those processes is your key to unlocking limitless business efficiencies. That’s where ABBYY’s purpose-built AI automation solutions come in.

ABBYY’s AI platform is market-leading in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Process Intelligence (PI). It uses a combination of tools and techniques, including ML and the latest techniques in AI, to analyze, automate, predict, and monitor processes across your organization. It can digitize documents and extract data from them, analyze your systems of record to present you with automation and opportunities, and predict where bottlenecks may arise.

From customer onboarding and claims processing to customs clearance and tax preparation, there’s no process ABBYY can’t automate. Our low-code platform understands over 200 languages, and with access to ready-to-go AI models from the ABBYY Marketplace, you can start processing any document straight out of the box.

Automating your business-critical processes will help you to:

  • Speed-up workflows and decision-making
  • Improve customer experience
  • Reduce manual labor costs
  • Validate all incoming data against business rules
  • Achieve 100% accuracy and continuous learning through human-in-the-loop verification

Request a demo to find out how ABBYY can kickstart your intelligent process automation journey.

Request a demo
Maxime Vermeir

Maxime Vermeir

Senior Director of AI Strategy

With a decade of experience in product and technology, Maxime Vermeir is an entrepreneurial professional with a passion for creating exceptional customer experiences. As a leader, he has managed global teams of innovation consultants and led large enterprises' transformation initiatives. Creating insights into new technologies and how they can drive higher customer value is a key point in Maxime’s array of Subject Matter Expertise. He is a trusted advisor and thought leader in his field, guiding market awareness for ABBYY's technologies.

Connect with Max on LinkedIn.


Check out the AI Pulse Podcast hosted by Max

Available on YouTube and Spotify, this series covers a wide range of topics, all related to artificial intelligence and intelligent automation for business and technology leaders.

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