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Beyond the Job Title:
The Sports Enthusiasts of ABBYY

July 26, 2024

Welcome to another article in our "Beyond the Job Title" series, where we explore the passions of ABBYY employees outside of work and how these interests contribute to their success in the workplace. This time, we dive into the lives of our sports and fitness enthusiasts, showcasing how their athletic pursuits help them excel both personally and professionally. In this article, you’ll meet Pierre, our US-based Director of Professional Services with a passion for bodybuilding; Greta, our UK-based Field Marketing and Demand Generation Specialist who thrives on kickboxing; Aniko, a Customer Excellence Business Operations Specialist in Budapest who finds her second home at the gym; and Ukraine-based Oksana who’s not only one of our Renewals Manager, but also a world-class powerlifter.


Pierre Van der Westhuizen, Director of Professional Services, US




Pierre Van der Westhuizen's journey in fitness began with a love for tennis and evolved into a lifelong commitment to bodybuilding. He shares his story and insights on how his dedication to fitness impacts his role at ABBYY where he now leads our “Fitness and Nutrition” employee initiative group, inspiring our colleagues and building a community of like-minded individuals in our team.


What drew you to fitness? When and why did you decide to give it a go?

Pierre’s interest in sports began at a young age, with a particular love for tennis. "I remember going to visit friends and bringing a bag of sporting equipment with me," he recalls. In high school, his focus shifted to track and field, specifically the shot-put, which introduced him to weight training. Inspired by a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pierre decided to build a strong, powerful, and functional body, and his journey in bodybuilding began. "The rest is history!"


What is special about this hobby to you?

When asked this question, Pierre was quick to correct us “bodybuilding is not just a hobby, but a lifestyle!”. His daily routine involves careful meal planning, hydration, and rigorous gym sessions. What makes bodybuilding special to him is the direct correlation between effort and results. "It is incredibly rewarding, even after doing this for over 30 years," he says, appreciating the strength, health, and energy it brings to his life.


Do you feel like having this specific passion helps you achieve a better work-life balance? If yes, in what ways?

"Absolutely!" Pierre finds that intense workdays are balanced by the stress-relief provided by his workouts. This allows him to return to work the next day refreshed and energized, not only maintaining but enhancing his productivity and vitality for other activities as well.


Are there any skills you developed in your fitness journey that are transferable to your work at ABBYY, or any learnings that you can apply in your day job?

Bodybuilding has taught Pierre valuable lessons in discipline and consistency. "There really are no secrets, you show up and do the work!" He also highlights how the sport teaches perseverance through challenging tasks and fosters a sense of community and mentorship. These skills translate well into his professional life, helping him approach work with the same dedication and willingness to share knowledge.


Greta Banaityte, Field Marketing and Demand Generation Specialist, UK




Greta’s passion for kickboxing not only keeps her fit but also boosts her confidence and relieves stress. Here’s how kickboxing plays a crucial role in her work-life balance and professional development.


What is special about kickboxing to you?

Greta finds kickboxing to be incredibly fun and challenging, serving as an excellent confidence booster and stress reliever, “it allows me to maintain a positive mindset and stay energised in life and work”.


Do you feel like having this specific hobby helps you achieve a better work-life balance? If yes, in what ways?

Kickboxing provides Greta with a great way to stay active and unwind, ensuring she returns to work refreshed. "It offers a great way to stay active and unwind, ensuring I return to work feeling refreshed," she says. The sport also builds her confidence and patience, essential qualities for her role at ABBYY. By keeping her balanced and focused, kickboxing allows her to bring her best self to work every day.


Are there any skills you developed practicing kickboxing that are transferable to your work at ABBYY, or any learnings that you can apply in your day job?

Several skills and lessons from kickboxing are highly transferable to Greta's work at ABBYY. She highlights patience and stamina as invaluable when managing various marketing situations. "Kickboxing has taught me the importance of perseverance," she notes, explaining how this mindset helps her navigate setbacks. Additionally, kickboxing has shown her not to be intimidated by others, allowing her to approach interactions with courage and determination. “Everyone has their weak spots, and this understanding helps me approach interactions with confidence and assertiveness, ensuring that my voice and ideas are heard within the team”, she told us.


Aniko Biro, Hungary-based Customer Excellence Business Operations Specialist, Hungary




Aniko’ commitment to the gym has not only improved her physical health but also provided her with valuable skills that enhance her performance at ABBYY. We sat down with her to find out more about how passion for fitness contributes positively to her day job at ABBYY.


What made you choose this hobby/how did you come across this activity?

Aniko chose the gym as a way to improve her physical health and overall well-being. She discovered this activity during her university years, looking for a way to stay active and relieve the stress of her studies. "The gym seemed like the perfect place to achieve both physical and mental relaxation," she says.


What is special about gym activities for you?

She appreciates the structured and efficient way gym activities help her achieve her fitness goals. The variety of equipment and workout routines keep her workouts interesting, and the motivating atmosphere of the gym makes her return five days a week “the gym environment with the community and with my trainer creates a motivating atmosphere that pushes me to work harder and stay consistent.”


Do you feel like having this specific hobby helps you achieve a better work-life balance? If yes, in what ways?

Practicing gym training helps Aniko balance work and private life by providing a clear and consistent routine that separates work from personal time. " Physical activity boosts my energy levels, improves my concentration, makes me feel better, more productive and focused at work. Additionally, the discipline and routine of regular gym sessions help me manage my time better, ensuring that I have enough time for both work and personal well-being.”


Are there any skills that you developed in the gym that you can use in your job at ABBYY?

Aniko highlights several transferable skills developed through her gym training:

  • Goal Setting: Setting and working towards fitness goals teaches her how to set achievable targets in her professional life and the steps needed to reach them.
  • Stress Management: Regular physical activity is a great way to manage stress, helping her stay calm and focused under pressure.
  • Time Management: Balancing gym time with other responsibilities improves her ability to manage time efficiently, ensuring she stays productive both at work and in her personal life.


Oksana Motrunchyk, Renewals Manager, Ukraine




Oksana found her passion in powerlifting, a sport that has significantly influenced her professional life at ABBYY. Here’s how her dedication to powerlifting helps her achieve a better work-life balance and develop essential skills.


What made you choose this hobby/how did you come across this activity?

Initially, Oksana started going to the gym to stay fit but soon discovered her enjoyment of working with weights and doing strength exercises. Her first coach suggested powerlifting, which gave her a specific goal to work towards. "At that time, I never imagined I would compete internationally," she says. With the guidance of her new coach in 2019, Oksana reached the international level in powerlifting, earning multiple numerous medals since, including a recent gold one at the World Open Equipped Bench Press Championships.


How does practicing powerlifting help you with your work-life balance?

Powerlifting helps Oksana switch between work and personal life, providing a mental reset. "It allows me to recharge and clear my mind," she explains. Practicing powerlifting structures her routine, helping her manage time effectively to balance both work and sports. Success in sports relies heavily on discipline, which positively impacts her work performance and boosts her confidence.


Are there any skills that you developed that you can use in your job at ABBYY?

Oksana mentions perseverance, focus on achieving goals, and discipline as key skills developed through powerlifting. These skills are directly applicable to her job at ABBYY, helping her stay resilient and goal-oriented even when facing challenges. “The more I achieve as an athlete, the more confident I become in my professional life”, she adds.



At ABBYY, we celebrate these passions as integral parts of what makes our team dynamic and our workplace vibrant. These stories remind us that personal interests not only complement but also enhance professional endeavors, fostering a well-rounded approach to achieving success.

Interested in joining a team where individual passions are valued and where personal growth is encouraged? Explore career opportunities at ABBYY today and discover how you can contribute to our innovative culture. Visit to learn more.