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Beyond the Job Title:
The Unique Passions of ABBYY's Versatile Team

August 9, 2024

In this edition of our "Beyond the Job Title" interview series, we sat down with our colleagues Liza, Dmitry, Tetiana, and Sergey to delve into their fascinating hobbies and interests outside of their professional roles at ABBYY. These activities not only showcase their diverse talents but also highlight how their passions contribute to their personal growth and professional success. Read on to find out more:


Elizaveta (Liza) Lagireva, Talent Acquisition Partner, Serbia




Liza’s love for chess began in childhood when her father introduced her to the game. For her, chess is more than a game—it's a mental challenge that she embraces both competitively and leisurely, and which helps her recharge and stay focused at work.


What made you choose chess, and how did you come across this activity?

"My dad introduced me to chess when I was just 5 years old, and I was hooked instantly! He taught me the rules, and it quickly became a cherished activity. Now, I still play with the very first chess set he gave me, which has been with me for over 25 years!"


What is special about chess for you?

"Chess is like a timeless friend. It's not just a game; it’s a way to challenge my mind and enjoy some quality strategic thinking. Plus, I participate in monthly chess tournaments in Serbia and also train with a coach, which keeps me constantly improving and engaged."


How does practicing chess help you with your work-life balance?

Liza finds solace in blitz games during breaks, describing them as a mental recharge that enhances her productivity and creativity at work. She values how chess provides both relaxation and mental stimulation. “It’s a fantastic way to recharge and come back to work with a fresh perspective. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!”


Are there any skills that you develop practicing chess which you can use in your job at ABBYY?

"Chess hones my strategic thinking, patience, and problem-solving skills. It helps me stay focused and approach complex challenges with a clear and calm mindset, which is invaluable as a Talent Acquisition Partner at ABBYY," she told us.


Dmitry Golivets, Head of Application Software, Hungary


Dmitry Golivets ABBYY 


Dmitry Golivets’ passion for Historical Medieval Battles (Buhurt) stems from his lifelong fascination with medieval history and combat sports. He sees this unique hobby as a physical and mental challenge that complements his professional responsibilities.


What made you choose Buhurt, or Historical Medieval Battles, and how did it all start?

"I’ve been passionate about medieval history my whole life, but all the classic 'dress-up reenactment' activities seemed somewhat lackluster. In 2019, I went to see the international medieval combat championship in Kyiv. That was it – I finally found a sport that truly combined physicality, my passion for medieval times, teamwork/comradery, martial arts skills, fitness, and genuine authenticity in many aspects."


How does this passion help you in your day job here at ABBYY?

Dmitry navigates the challenges of balancing his rigorous training schedule with his professional commitments, often finding creative ways to integrate fitness and mental discipline into his work routine. “You are fighting in metal armor weighing between 25-35 kg after all. This calls for some creative work-life balance solutions to ensure all of that is included at least 3-4 times per week no matter the schedule. Let’s just say I’m no stranger to doing some dumbbell or burpee sets in between work calls.”


Are there any skills that you developed that you could use in your job at ABBYY?

Dmitry emphasized teamwork and resilience as key takeaways from Buhurt, essential for collaborative success and personal growth at ABBYY. "Medieval combat is the ultimate metaphor for teamwork. You must do your absolute best every single round or your teammates are going to feel the consequences of your failure on their skin, literally. Another aspect is the concept of going the extra mile. The first thing you realize when you put that armor on is that you are fighting against your own brain telling you to quit—the weight, the discomfort of movement, the lack of oxygen inside a helmet. And on top of that comes your opponent trying to take you down. Nobody gets to the finish line without falling. Picking yourself up and taking every fall as an opportunity to work on your mistakes is another great lesson of this sport."


Tetiana Riznyk, Payroll and Benefits Administrator, Ukraine




For Tetiana Riznyk, pysanka (Ukrainian Easter eggs painting) is more than a creative outlet; it’s a cultural tradition that connects her deeply to her heritage and brings joy through artistic expression.


What made you choose this hobby, and how did you come across this activity?

"I have always wanted to create something beautiful with my own hands,” she began. “In addition, pysanka is not only a variety of symbols but also the preservation of the traditions of the Ukrainian people. In Ukraine, pysankas were written not only for Easter but throughout the year for various needs. They were written, for example, to ensure a good harvest at the end of the year, for a newborn child to have a good future, for a cherished wish to come true, and so on.” She told us that for her, it is a way of keeping tradition alive, on top of being a captivating craft.


What is special about this craft for you?

Tetiana finds profound meaning in the symbols and colors used in pysanka, viewing each egg as a reflection of hope, faith, and cultural identity. “For example, the symbol of a star on an egg represents the birth of something new, the fulfillment of a wish. The image of an oak leaf symbolizes male courage, strength, and health. Yellow is the color of the sun, of joy. Green represents vitality, energy, and health. It is the selection of symbols and colors, their careful writing that is a form of communication as an artist.” The meticulous process of creating pysanka serves as a meditative practice that protects her mental balance and brings creative joy.


Are there any skills that you developed having this passion that you can use in your job at ABBYY?

Tetiana’s patience and focus during the intricate process of creating pysanka translate into enhanced concentration and creativity in her role.

"If I start from the very beginning, it takes me about 1.5 hours to paint a complicated pysanka. I think if I practice more often, it will be faster. But pysankas are great for concentrating on the process because you have to follow all the movements, lines, details, and your attention for the entire 1.5 hours. It gives you a feeling of joy because you have the opportunity to enjoy this beauty for a long time after the process is over."

This meditative practice not only enhances her artistic skills but also fosters a sense of well-being and satisfaction, contributing positively to her ability to bring her best self to work at ABBYY.


Sergey Kaginyan, Website Marketing Project Manager, Cyprus




Sergey Kaginyan’s passion for motorcycles is more than just a hobby; it’s a way of life that fuels his personal and professional growth.


What made you choose motorcycles, and how did you come across this activity?

Sergey describes his passion for motorcycles as more than a hobby, but a true passion that began over a decade ago. "I hopped on a bike over a decade ago, and it's become one of the most important aspects of my life. Ever since I can remember, I've dreamed of getting into motorsport. Nowadays, I'm diving into off-road riding and also run a blog on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok all about motorcycles."


What is special about this activity for you?

Riding a motorcycle and being involved in motorsport allows Sergey to tune out the constant barrage of information around him. "When we're talking about road riding, it's all about relaxing with some good music and focusing on the road. But when it comes to motorsport, it's about discipline, pushing your limits, and striving to become the best version of yourself. And ultimately, it's just pure joy."


How does practicing this hobby help you with your work-life balance?

"First and foremost, riding is a great way to clear your mind and recharge before another busy day. It's also an excellent form of fitness, keeping you active and mentally sharp."


Are there any skills that you develop practicing this hobby which you can use in your job at ABBYY?

Sergey believes that the discipline and routine instilled by riding motorcycles are significant. "It teaches you that big goals are achieved through small, consistent steps, and as Lao Tzu said, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."


The stories of Elizaveta, Dmitry, Tetiana, and Sergey remind us of the power of personal interests to complement and enhance professional endeavors, fostering creativity, resilience, and a well-rounded approach to achieving success.



These unique hobbies not only provide moments of relaxation and rejuvenation but also equip our team members with valuable skills such as strategic thinking, teamwork, and creativity, which are essential in driving innovation and excellence in everything we do.

Interested in joining a team where individual passions are valued, and personal growth is encouraged? Explore career opportunities at ABBYY today and discover how you can contribute to our innovative culture. Visit to learn more.