Data sheet

Q&A on Insurance Innovation and Intelligent Automation

Forrester Research on how Digital Intelligence accelerates insurance digital transformation

We asked Ellen Carney of Forrester Research to share some insight on how Digital Intelligence—including AI, ML, and OCR technologies—can deliver operational change and accelerate true digital transformation for insurers. In this Q&A, Carney provides Forrester’s analysis of the ways insurers are using these technologies today, the biggest use cases for them, the role of automation in customer experience, and what it means to be data-driven today.

Download it now!

Download now to get Forrester’s insight on…

  • The biggest missed opportunities for insurers to innovate with technologies like AI, ML, and OCR
  • How insurers should prioritize digitization projects
  • Best practices for insurers to implement automation technology
  • How insurers can use their data for competitive advantage

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