White paper

Timeline Analysis™ vs Schema Analysis

Business process schema compared to Timeline Analysis - ABBYY White Paper

Understanding modern process analytics and the various approaches to process mining

Take a deep-dive look into the methodology of the traditional process mining schema approach (dot-algorithm) compared to a new patent-pending approach, called Timeline Analysis.

By identifying process analytics for the modern business and exploring differences between market-available concepts, this paper demonstrates how the schema approach has many fundamental problems, which severely affects its practical use in commercial application. The Timeline Analysis approach is based on the concept of a timeline to access an unfiltered and unedited history of a single entity, such as a case, an opportunity, an order, a patient, or any other process.

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This approach can be applied to industries and verticals:

  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Banking and financial services
  • Healthcare – patient journey, billing, onboarding, and more
  • Insurance
  • Procurement and supply chain management

The Timeline Approach to process analytics provides 100% visibility of any process end to end; even when different steps of the process are performed using multiple back end systems.

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