Intelligent automation for financial services

Expedite onboarding, KYC, trade finance, and more with ready-to-use AI document processing skills that transform your data into outcomes. Digital transformation in banking starts here.
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Let’s put your information to work to deliver smarter, faster banking


Today’s banks and financial institutions must find innovative ways to increase process efficiency and keep operational costs down, while delivering the exceptional experiences that today’s businesses and consumers demand.

ABBYY enables Financial Services to conduct business faster with intelligent automation technologies including AI, NLP, and process mining. Intelligent document processing skills from our online marketplace transform financial document data into actionable outcomes for KYC/AML, wealth management, consumer lending, and other key processes.

Open doors to new efficiencies with AI-driven intelligent document processing

Gain speed and visibility
Transform incoming documents and communication into actionable data and insight for customer-facing and back-end financial processes.
Expedite process automation
Intelligent data capture and extraction using artificial intelligence and machine learning deliver extremely high accuracy.
Get started tomorrow
Access pre-trained intelligent document processing skills from ABBYY Marketplace that immediately deliver the highest precision in your processes.
Improve customer service
Streamline and automate account openings, credit card and loan applications, forbearances, mortgage refinancing, and emergency services.
Ensure compliance
Enable trace and audit of all customer and application data for compliance and crimes detection, from onboarding throughout the entire customer journey.
Provide friction-free onboarding
Balance customer expectations with fraud controls to provide quicker response times for customer onboarding, credit, and loan applications.

Global Intelligent Document Processing Trends & Outcomes

As a leader in IDP, ABBYY shares how more than 10,000 customers worldwide leverage various capabilities of ABBYY IDP to improve their business.

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Top 7 Document Skills for Financial Services in ABBYY Marketplace

Intelligent document processing skills for Financial Services are ready to use within minutes, including Bank Statement, Utility Bill, IRS Tax Forms, and more.

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Global Intelligent Document Processing Trends & Outcomes

As a leader in IDP, ABBYY shares how more than 10,000 customers worldwide leverage various capabilities of ABBYY IDP to improve their business.

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Top 7 Document Skills for Financial Services in ABBYY Marketplace

Intelligent document processing skills for Financial Services are ready to use within minutes, including Bank Statement, Utility Bill, IRS Tax Forms, and more.

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Learn how ABBYY puts information to work for digital transformation in banking

KYC compliance
Violations of KYC/AML regulations cost banks billions of dollars in fines and legal exposure. Get on top of KYC by discovering where vulnerabilities exist in your processes and content.
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Mortgage loan processing
Streamline mortgage loan processes by automating your high-volume, document-intensive processes. Transform them into easy and efficient flows using Process Intelligence, OCR, and verification of all loan documents at the point of entry.
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Fraud prevention / risk management
Ironically, as processes become more and more automated, financial institutions become more vulnerable to crimes, fraud, and KYC violations. Safeguard your processes from vulnerabilities and fraudulent documents by optimizing the validation and proof of documents function.
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Trade finance
Adopt a comprehensive approach to streamlining document-driven trade finance processes. We offer an end-to-end digital approach for automating trade finance to help you improve revenue, lower risks, and reduce paper.
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Delivering account services
Create seamless interactions for customers and employees by implementing mobile and remote apps to automate processing of essential documents. Your customers can easily and remotely capture required identification and documentation, extract and validate the data, and send it to applications and systems.
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Credit application processing
Use Process Intelligence to modernize credit application processes, fully discovering, visualizing, and analyzing processes end to end to see where your biggest inefficiencies are. Automate the capture of credit applications and extraction of critical information to expedite credit card delivery to customers.
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Unstructured document review and analysis
Leveraging the data that’s inside of complex financial documents can help to mitigate risk. Natural language processing automatically analyzes and unearths valuable information from unstructured documents such as claims, contracts, applications, agreements, and other customer documents.
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Customer experience and satisfaction
Meet your customers’ “expectations of now” by automating and accelerating all of the document-centric processes within your institution. From onboarding to KYC/AML to wealth management, consumer lending, and more, ABBYY has pre-trained skills ready to deliver immediate results.
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Getting started with intelligent document processing (IDP)

With a robust, purpose-built AI platform and out-of-the-box document skills, ABBYY makes it easy to start putting your information to work with IDP.
Core AI skills to process any document
Trained document skills to get you off to a quick start
No-code/low-code design
Improve accuracy with continuous learning
Intelligent automation in banking

Expediting delivery of financial aid to businesses


automation of entire process

6 weeks

project deployment



intelligent automation in financial services

“In our long-term partnership with ABBYY, their intelligent technology has convinced us once more with outstanding results and helped us to develop this project in record speed during turbulent times.”


IDC infographic: Empowering Financial Services to Innovate Through Automation

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IDC infographic: Empowering Financial Services to Innovate Through Automation

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Business transformation starts with a true understanding of your processes. Discovery and analysis helps you to define the best opportunities for automation and new efficiencies.


Put your information to work with ready-to-use document skills that apply AI to understand your documents in a fast and simple way. Feed your business systems with process-ready data so you can spend more time innovating for your customers.


Free your workers from repetitive manual tasks. Build trust that multiplies by lowering processing costs. Increase straight-through processing rates. Ensure compliance with regulations. Score more with less.

Request a demo today!

Schedule a demo and see how ABBYY’s intelligent automation can change the way you work - forever
