ABBYY | Blue Prism
The combination of ABBYY + Blue Prism technologies

How ABBYY and Blue Prism work together
ABBYY’s solution for Blue Prism enables you to...
- Add intelligence to the processing of unstructured content with instant connection to ABBYY’s intelligent capture solutions—all while building a process within Blue Prism.
- Leverage leading OCR, document classification, and data extraction technologies to automate document-centric processes.
- Automate the classification of documents and extraction of data through continuous auto-learning and user input.
- Expand RPA usage to automate content-centric processes involving documents, images, and text to support strategic digital transformation initiatives.
Integration benefits
Add content skills to robotic processes
Achieve greater value
Prompt transactions, decisions, and actions
Introducing Blue Prism Process Intelligence powered by ABBYY Timeline
Blue Prism integrates ABBYY Timeline within Blue Prism Capture to offer complete process and task discovery as a standard capability.

Introducing Blue Prism Process Intelligence powered by ABBYY Timeline
Blue Prism integrates ABBYY Timeline within Blue Prism Capture to offer complete process and task discovery as a standard capability.