ABBYY FineReader Engine

The most comprehensive OCR SDK for software developers

Integrate AI-powered OCR features into your applications

Document classification using Machine Learning

ABBYY FineReader Engine provides an API for document classification, allowing you to create applications, which automatically categorize documents and sort them into predefined document classes. The advanced document classification leverages modern technologies such as machine learning. These technologies are able to detect even subtle differences among individual document categories and allow setting up flexible and scalable classification processes that can granularly distinguish among many document categories.

The new intelligent Image Classifier is able to collect and process visual information about document images and delivers fast classification results. The advanced Text Classifier is able to extract and process information about the documents’ content, which increases the classification accuracy. The Image Classifier and the Text Classifier can be used individually, or in combination.

How does it work?

In principle, the classification process consists of three steps:
Preparing data sets for classification training
Training the Classification Model
Classification deployment
Classification modes
High precision mode
High recall mode

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